Press Release

Pace Delegation Strengthens and Expands Partnerships in India

March 11, 2024
Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University faculty on a panel in India

A delegation from the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University spent February break in India, collaborating with OP Jindal Global University on an academic conference and a conclave with local ESG practitioners, and fostering collaborations with new academic institutions.

Taking part in the noteworthy trip were Haub Law School’s Dean Horace Anderson, Haub Law Professors Smita Narula, Katrina Fischer Kuh, Margot Pollans, Sasha Greenawalt, Adjunct Professor Rama Rao, Associate Director of Graduate Programs and International Affairs, Diana Ramirez, Associate Vice President, International Programs and Services at Pace University, Barry Stinson, and student Haub Scholar Hannah Dauray.

The visit was planned around a two-day conference on the Rule of Law and Environmental Justice that was jointly organized by Haub Law School and OP Jindal Global University’s Jindal Global Law School. The conference featured faculty and student panelists from both institutions and from King’s College London. On day two, Haub Law faculty members taught classes on Intellectual Property, Environmental Law in Action, and International Human Rights Law. The visit also featured a Business and Corporate Conclave on Corporate Governance and ESG that was jointly organized by Jindal and Pace. Haub Law faculty participated in a conversation on corporations and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices alongside leaders of the most prominent law firms in India.

During the visit, Haub Law also formalized a new academic partnership with BITS Law School. Dean Anderson had the opportunity to meet with Ashish Bharadwaj, founding Dean of BITS Law School, which is based in Mumbai, India. During their time in Delhi, the Pace delegation also visited the National Law University Delhi, where they had the opportunity to meet with Dr. G.S. Bajpai, the Vice Chancellor and discuss potential areas of collaboration.

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An avid reader and world traveler, Steffen Pedersen has worked his entire legal career as a maritime lawyer in international law firms. Currently, he is working as a maritime arbitrator with a keen interest in deep sea mining. He is also a frequently published author and panelist on the topic of international arbitration and mediation, with a focus on East and South-East Asia. Steffen decided to pursue his LLM in Comparative Law at Haub Law to open the door to more opportunities in the United States in his career as an international arbitrator. 

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